Before investing in real estate in Racine County, consider hiring TriCounty Appraisal
Why should you order an "appraisal" when you're not really dealing with the process of applying for a loan? After all, what you need is some information on local homes. We fully understand the involvement of purchasing a property and can empathize with what you're going through. TriCounty Appraisal's buyer's reports help you come to a knowledgeable buying decision. Buying a home is a complex process, and we understand what you're going through.
Buying a house is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make, we can help. Contact us today.
There are some things customers can expect when you hire TriCounty Appraisal...
Prompt response to your initial inquiry:
You will receive specialized feedback from us for your request. There's no painful process involved; just tell us your situation and we'll make some helpful suggestions.
Speedy turnaround time:
Typically one week or less from the date the request is received, you'll have data in hand.
Reports tailored for the knowledge of a consumer who's not necessarily an experienced real estate pro:
You can expect that TriCounty Appraisal's appraisal and consulting services are not going to be the same for every one of our customers - there is no "one size fits all". You can count on a variety of different appraisals and delivery methods when you order from TriCounty Appraisal.
Our company will reply as quickly as possible to any additional questions:
TriCounty Appraisal's reports are logically put together, comprehensive, and meet or exceed the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that govern the appraisal profession in WI. If you have some issues concerning your appraisal after you've looked over the report, we definitely want you to contact us.